A Recipe for Success
Not every video has a perfectly defined recipe. But when cooking consistently great meals, creating a step-by-step guide is one way to always deliver on a high-quality food experience. As with any memorable meal, a lot of preparation goes into finding the best ingredients, taking the time to carefully prep, and then executing on that recipe with precision.

It's Color Friday!
Color Friday is officially underway! One of our favorite projects each year is producing product demos for Crayola’s end of year holiday push. The holiday season seems to start earlier and earlier each year, and 2018 was no exception. We wrapped shooting all the way back in May!

Coloring Outside The Lines
The holiday shopping season is underway, so we thought we'd post about one of our newest clients, Crayola! Leading up to retail's biggest month of the year, we worked with Crayola's brand commercialization team to launch six new products by demonstrating the product experience for viewers.

Celebrating 5 Years of Video Production
It's our fifth anniversary! Time to celebrate with a countdown of our staff's five "favorite" videos in our company's history.

#TBT: The Hour Show
It was five years ago on this day, May 5th , our class culminated our four years of work with Temple Update into an hour show.