A Day in the Life of Matt Allen, Associate Producer

A Day of Associate Producer - Video Production Company

The success of our video production company is entirely a product of our entire team’s efforts at 20/20 Visual Media. This month we’d like to shine a spotlight on Matt Allen, our Associate Producer, for his standout work in production and editing.

Since joining the team full-time in January 2021, Matt has jumped right in to help take our work to the next level. Matt previously worked as our Production Intern in 2019 while attending Quinnipiac University where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Film, TV, and Media in 2019, and his master’s degree in Interactive Media and Communications in 2020. Get to know what a day in the life looks like at 20/20 Visual Media by reading through Matt’s experience below.

Can you walk me through a typical day working as an Associate Producer on the 20/20 Visual Media team?

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On any typical day I can be found on a shoot, working from home, or working in the office. On shoot days, I typically take on the producer role, conducting the interviews to craft the story the video will share. It is my job to ensure we stay on schedule and gather all the necessary shots for that day. When working from home or in the office, I am working on pre-production which includes scheduling, scripting, and the interview preparation required before the shoot.

I also work on post-production which entails crafting the final story in the editing room. After I work to put the core content of the video together, Dan and Christina help to finalize the video with coloring, graphics, and animations. The three of us work well together as we are able to bounce ideas off each other and give honest feedback which makes the final product that much stronger.

What's your favorite project that you've worked on since being on the 20/20 team?

My favorite project since being on the 20/20 team was the “Tyler School of Art - Start Your Journey” video. This video was told through the eyes of students at Temple University’s Tyler School of Art and Architecture. We interviewed six students and were able to tell their unique stories about how they found Tyler, what they enjoy about it, and the types of creative projects they’ve been able to work on. The art school also had provided a wide variety of b-roll to add to the visual storytelling of the video. Our Post-Production Supervisor, Christina, finalized the video with graphics that really brought the video to life and fit perfectly into the creative storytelling of the piece.

Are you learning anything new or is there a skill you're working to develop?

As a producer, one thing I am working on is developing stronger relationships with our clients. I have been with 20/20 now for almost a year and a half and I am passionate about building personalized relationships with our clients. Part of my motivation as a producer is to push myself to be a better storyteller. Connecting with our clients and understanding their goals and needs helps me to create a more compelling narrative. These relationships allow me to appreciate who my clients are and then help develop the storyline that best accomplishes their goals for the video.

Why do you enjoy working at 20/20 Visual Media?

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What I enjoy most about working at 20/20 is the people I work with. We are like a family and it makes doing the work we do even more enjoyable. We all work very well together and it helps ensure everything runs smoothly from pre-production, through production, and finalizing in post-production. In regards to the work that we do, what I enjoy the most is the variety in projects that we work on and the stories that we tell. Although we are always capturing video to tell a story, the way that we go about it and the variety in stories that we hear is what makes me love what I do everyday.


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